Johnny Arguello Santana
My child's name is Johnny Santana and he lives in Costa Rica. He is currently 8 years old. I was fortunate enough to have lived there for a period of time and so I am personally aware of the poverty that exists in this country. While Costa Rica is in no way as desperate as Haiti or Africa, all of these third world countries are in need of our help and support. Since I may travel back to Costa Rica from time to time, I chose to sponsor a child in a country that I am familiar with and one that increases my chances of actually meeting my child in person one day. Also, I know that through World Vision, 89% of my $35 each month goes directly to helping my sponsored child and I love that so much of my money is going directly to help with programs and ministries. I am honored and blessed to be a small part of this childs life. I will not have any children of my own so this is really something that is near and dear to my heart.
Today, coincidentally, I received in the mail some information to help Johnny celebrate his birthday by sponsoring a festive party and by giving him a personalized birthday gift from me. He will turn 9 on April 2nd. For many of these children, the only way they will ever celebrate a birthday is through the help of a sponsor.
Through faithful sponsorship, you can touch a childs life and offer love, generosity, hope, and most importantly, the gift of Christ. So consider sponsoring a child. Make a difference in someone's life. Below are the website addresses to both of these wonderful organizations.